Treachery and Justice

Betrayal - Tim Tigner

Tim Tigner has done it again with Betrayal, another of his three recent publications! He has provided a tale full of treachery, unexpected technological and chemical weaponry—and suspense. Three tales from Tim Tigner; three cheers for Tim Tigner!


When Special Agent Odysseus Carr (Odi) is given orders for a Special Forces operation, he and his team set off for Tafriz, Iran. But, something goes terribly wrong. By virtue of a fluke, a minor happenstance, Odi is the sole survivor of the mission. He is rescued by Dr. Ayden Archer. After the two discover the weapon used to take out Odi’s team members, they arrange for Odi to leave Iran clandestinely and to return to the U.S. Once there, Odi will bring justice to those responsible. Meanwhile, back home, Odi’s twin sister, Cassi, goes through the motions of a funeral service for her brother. When she discovers Odi is actually alive, the two team up to bring a satisfying conclusion to the story. It seems both Odi and Cassie may have trusted others too quickly and too thoroughly, others who had agendas of their own. . . .


Tigner has introduced complete and likeable—or despicable, as the case may be—characters, a carefully woven plot and, as in each of his other stories, the concept of an unusual pharmacological or chemical agent that may be used as a weapon. The existence of this agent adds intrigue to the story and makes the reader wonder what the world would be like if such a weapon actually existed. Often thrillers deal with the world as we know it; Tigner deals with the world as it could be if those who seek such weaponry are successful in their endeavors. 


While the story missed just a half beat for me in light of some of Odi’s actions that I thought could have brought harm to unintended innocent persons, I found Betrayal to be a fast-paced, fully satisfying read that ought to be on every thriller lover’s bookshelf. Tigner has a bright future as readers (including this one) are already clamoring for—more please!


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